
Announcement of Results for Preliminary Round of SIMB Music Competition

  • 글쓴이 : saltandlight
  • 날짜 : 2024.05.03 17:14
  • 조회 수 : 410
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2024 Seoul International Music Competition for Blind and Visually impaired Artists

Announcement of Results for Preliminary Round



We announce the finalists from overseas first.

Finalists from South Korea (Republic of Korea) will be announced on May 30.


Names of Finalists 


Ding Yijie
Ioana Veronica Gandrabur
Shum Cheuk Ming Chapman
Laura Parra Muñoz 
Guillem León Vivas
Iolanta Mamatkazina
Takako Ueta
Ignasi Cambra Diaz
Valerie Poisson
Zakharov Ivan
Zakharova Elizaveta
Mei Suzuki
Yang Enhua
Do Nguyen Anh Thu
Ying-Shan Tseng





Download SIMB Guidelines for all participants visiting Korea to advance to the finals.pdf


Download Information on SIMB participation schedule and guidelines.pdf


To ensure smooth contact and inquiries, all finalists are requested to submit their email address.

Please email simbkorea@gmail.com via any email you can contact us at.

All changes, such as changes in passport information or sheet music, can be submitted via email.



Information and Guideline

1. Details for Final round

- Date: June 6 (Wednesday)

- Venue: Chapel Room, Hanshin University Graduate School (159 Insubong-ro, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea)

- Time: 9:00 AM - Drawing of Order / 10:00 AM - Start of Competition
To enhance the transparency of judging, the entire event will be open to the public, and audience seating will be available on the 2nd floor.
The announcement of winners will take place immediately after the competition, and the award ceremony will be held on June 8 at the Special Stage of Dream Forest in Seoul.



2. Performances by Finalists

- Winners 1st to 8th

- June 8, 2024 (Saturday) Special Stage, Dream Forest in Seoul



3. Notes
All program schedules, including the finals schedule, will be announced on the www.simbkorea.com website.
Attire is free of choice.
Participants must adhere to the assembly time on the day of the final (9:00 AM) for smooth progression of the competition.
Tuning must be completed in the waiting room before the performance; 
tuning on stage is not permitted.
Cellists must bring their own T-stand.
Accompanists must accompany individually. Practice and competition will 
proceed according to the order drawn for performance. Please ensure there is no disadvantage due to duplicate accompanists during practice and competition.

Overseas participants requiring accompanists are requested to submit their repertoire and sheet music to the secretariat in advance. (Repertoire and sheet music submission: simbkorea@gmail.com)

The list of winners will be posted on the website.

The recording or filming equipment is not allowed in the competition venue.

All rights to photos, audio recordings, and videos related to the concours belong to Simbkorea.

Preliminary and final round pieces do not need to be the same.


4. Guidelines for Performances
No repetition or Da Capo played.
The prelude and interlude may be omitted for the vocal music section. (An oratorio or aria must be sung in the original language. For songs, transposition is not relevant.)

When the judges determine that they have heard enough, they may stop the performance.

The calculation of participant scores cannot be objected to as it is within the sole authority of the judges.

5. Special Prizes for Finalists

Winners of the competition, including 1st to 3rd place, will be given the opportunity to perform with an orchestra as SIMB Artists.

The following appearance fees will be paid to performing participants:

1st Place: 1 team, performance fee of 4 million KRW, and orchestral collaboration
2nd Place: 1 team, performance fee of 3.5 million KRW, and orchestral collaboration

3rd Place: 1 team, performance fee of 2.5 million KRW, and orchestral collaboration

4th to 8th Place: 1 team each, performance fee of 2 million KRW, and performance in Park Concert

Performance fees will not be provided if the performance is not conducted.

All prizes will be subject to tax deductions in accordance with South Korean tax law.



6. Participant benefits

Travel and lodging expenses related to participation in the contest are borne by the participant. However, benefits are provided to participants visiting Seoul.

You will have the opportunity to participate in the Seoul International Music Festival & Art Market for Blinds for free.

K Mentoring Class and Talk! Talk! lecture concerts where you can receive lectures from renowned music professors, legendary professor concerts, and Park Concert. (free)

Voucher for small transportation expenses

Meals (limited to meals provided by the event venue)


7. Inquiries
